Facebook Groups for Wine Businesses

RIP Facebook … NOT!

As of late, there has been a lot of chatter about the death of Facebook as a social media platform for engaging new and existing customers. We are seeing more and more wine brands going to Instagram in their marketing efforts. While this is a great platform that provides a visual appeal, I am here to tell you that Facebook is still alive and thriving. But just like Madonna in the ’90s, the platform’s secret to staying on top is its ability to reinvent itself.

As a Social Strategist, my job is to analyze how these metamorphic changes across platforms will impact my clients. Facebook started as a way to stay in touch through the use of personal accounts but soon became a hub for ads and streams of conscious from people you knew in high school and soon wished you didn’t. We all know what kind of posts I am talking about.

Yet, one of their features that has been around for a long time is now gaining traction and provides an excellent tool for wine brands; GROUPS!

People that had deleted their personal Facebook accounts in favor of Instagram are now actually returning to the platform exclusively to be apart of groups.

This untapped digital marketing gold mine can do fantastic things to grow your wine brand with little cost and effort.

Here are my Top 4 Reasons why if you don’t already have a Facebook group for your business you need to create one TODAY! If you have an established group already these are some ways to boost engagement and further your social reach

#1 Wine Club Membership 

Offering access to a Facebook group as part of a wine club membership package can be a great additional selling point. It gives the customer a feeling of becoming a part of a community. A Facebook group creates an online community around your brand. Customers feel both connected to your business and each other. This is an organic way to build long lasting relationships and referrals for future customers.

#2 Event Hosting: Online & In-person

Boost in-person events like wine releases by sharing in groups.  Also, now you have a platform to host online events. A monthly or weekly live stream that includes a tour of the winery or vineyard site is exciting to members and gives them a more personal glimpse into the world of their favorite wine.

#3 Job Postings

Need some extra help in the cellar or during harvest? Hiring a new Tasting Room Manager? 

Facebook groups allow you to reach your most loyal followers with just a click. The best employees will be people that already love and have knowledge of what you are doing. The group will be an essential resource for you in adding to your hiring pool later as your business grows. And it will! 


#4 Marketing Content         

I am a member of several Facebook Groups and community manager for my clients. Recently, I started implementing a weekly recipe for wine club members to pair with their wines. This was a huge success and customers would upload great photos of their food with their  wines. The response was magical. I was able to share this content across several other social platforms for this client. We saw an increase in referrals because of how alive the Facebook group was just over a few months.

My name is Emily Lester. I am the face behind Paris Wine Girl and the founder of Grape Girl Media. I am a social media account manager and strategist for wine-related businesses. 

  • Read more about my wine adventures in France on my blog www.pariswinegirl.fr

Follow @ParisWineGirl

  • schedule a discovery call to learn more about how I can help you create social strategies for your business