Online Work Tips for Sommeliers & Wine Professionals during the Covid-19 crisis

I think we can all agree that everyday life has changed drastically, right? We are going into lockdown week #3 in Paris. I’ll be honest, I’ve lost track. Word on the grapevine is that this will last at least another month but really who knows… ⁣
While I miss my colleagues at Ô Chateau and picnics by the river with friends, I have so much gratitude for the income I have with my online business. An unfortunate but now welcomed challenge to innovate and find creative ways to help my clients reach goals and look their best online especially right now. ⁣

But during this time, I’ve been reminded of the privilege I have and the control I have over my time because I pivoted to a digital focus last year. ⁣

I wanted to create a resource for sommeliers and other wine professionals to use as starting point for bringing their expertise online during the current global pandemic crisis. I hope this might help some of you.

If you are a wine professional, wine brand or educator that needs support in brining your business online right now, I am here. We can pour ourselves a glass of wine and chat, ok?⠀⠀⠀
Honestly, my time has been split between continuing courses in order to build my own online social media business, client work, and relaxing at home with time carved out to level up my French.⁣
Once all of this is over, I can’t wait until I can travel again. I am already thinking about how good it will feel to go back to Seattle this summer. I will sit on the dock in Madison Park, dip my feet into Lake Washington with glass of Oregon Pinot in hand. ⁣

Stay safe and healthy out there friends!